Horticulture Sessions in York & North Yorkshire
Find out more about the horticulture sessions and allotment trips for children and young people with disabilities in York and North Yorkshire, by calling Choose2 today. These sessions are a fantastic way to learn about nature, growing fruit, veg and flowers and improving both mental and physical health.
Our Horticulture Facilities
We have an accessible allotment with a large shed, raised beds and a large polytunnel.
The horticulture sessions mean that our young people are involved at all stages, from preparation of the land, planting, potting and weeding, to harvesting and using the produce in our cooking sessions.

Working on the Allotment
Working on the allotment is beneficial in so many ways – it is physical exercise, while the sense of nurturing and building something also fosters good wellbeing. The range of skills required to maintain an allotment and successfully grow things is an excellent learning opportunity, and our young people get to see it through every step, gaining a real sense of achievement.
If you or a young person you know would like to get involved, then don't hesitate to give us a call and see what opportunities we have available.